XpressTint saves you time and money – every time you use it. And don’t use it. Just ask any one of the hundreds of users across Australia who have already joined the XpressTint Online Community! Being able to keep a limited stock on hand, enables users to create thousands of colours, when they want, and more importantly, how much they want. If you only need 3.6L for your next job, only make 3.6L of paint! No more wasted paint – ever again!
And because Evic Coatings are High Productivity Coatings, it means you are effectively making less, spraying less and saving more!

Finding a particular formula couldn’t be easier in Xpress Tint.
Simply click on the Search page and start typing the name of the colour. You results will instantly appear in the drop-down Search Results box.
You can then keep typing to refine your search results, or once you see it, simply click on it to bring up the Product Selection tool.
Once you have selected your colour, click on the product you wish to create it in. The formula will instantly appear with accurate instructions for mixing, creating and curing. It’s easier than baking a cake!