Sometimes there are formulas that you use all the time. You may offer a range of colours to your clients that you either want named differently, or just conveniently organised in one spot for quick access. Adding formulas to your Favourites list will make these formulas stand out from the thousands of formulas already in XpressTint.
How to Create a Favourite
To Favourite a formula, start by locating the formula in the Search screen, and selecting a Product. Once your formula is on the screen, scroll to the Action Bar at the bottom, and locate the Add to Favourites icon, . This will save your selected formula to the Favourites page. If you’d like, add some details to individualise this formula.
You can change the default Colour Code, Name or Reference to whatever you like, allowing you to search for any of these later.
Locate the Favourites link at the top of the site, in the “Search for a Colour” dropdown. You will see all of your Favourite Formulas in a list on the right hand side of the page.
At the top of the list are two headings that you can sort by. Date Added will sort all of the colours chronologically by when you added them, and Name will sort them alphabetically. If you have a lot of colours, you can refine your results by typing in the Filter bar. Clicking on one of the colours will load the formula.
When you load a formula, you have the option to edit it and save it, just as you would do in any other formula in the Search screen. (View this handy tutorial on editing a formula). You can add base tinters, or change how much colourant to add, change the display units, change the size of the can, etc. You even have the ability to change the colour swatch and details of the colour by clicking the Edit button. To change the Colour Swatch, simply hover over the swatch and click Edit. This will let you “pick” whatever colour you think best represents your colour. Click on the Save Formula button at the end of your edits to save the colour.
The Formula has some handy metrics at the bottom of the screen to see how much paint you’ve used, as well as how much it costs.
Share your formula in the usual way with the Actions bar at the very bottom of the Formula card, or Print and Save your Job to History when you are done.